How To Make The Best Of A Long-Haul Flight

  • 2019-11-07
  • 2786
  • Aviation Admin
  • 0

Traveling to a new place is exciting. But you know what's not exciting? Sitting in a cramped seat on a long flight to your destination while staring out the window bored to death. However, not all long-haul flights have to be miserable if you can spend your time right. Here are some top tips to help you make your next long-haul flight more exciting:

1. Read a good, long book

Grab a long book that you would immensely enjoy and you can barely feel the time passing as you’re engrossed in that book. If you’re not sure what book to read, you can try “Big Little Lies” by Liane Moriarty, "The Stand" by Stephen King, "The Girl Who Smiled Beads" by Clementine Wamariya and Elizabeth Weil, "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline, or "The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle" by Kirsty Wark. The list never ends when it comes to reading. Besides, if turning a few pages of the likes of War and Peace doesn't keep you busy for a while, it'll at least put you to sleep for a few hours.

2. Learn a new language

When you’re traveling through a foreign country, speaking a little bit of the local language can go a long way. First off, it shows you actually care. Maybe you’ll never pronounce bourgogne correctly in your lifetime, but it’s the thought that counts and opens up opportunities for you to communicate – even if you’ve only learnt a few words or expressions, like “Hello!”, “How much is this?”, “Sorry, I don’t understand”, “Thank you!”, “I need some help, please”… etc.

You can start by firing up your local app store, and you’ll find a wealth of options for language learning. Also you can use the help of our recent blog titled "10 Phrases To Know Before Visiting A Foreign Country".

3. Watch a movie or a TV show

Shake off the guilts (you've got nowhere else to be, right?) and enjoy the mindless pleasure of reality TV, discovery channel or a movie marathon of epic proportions.

5. Spa in the sky

All that pressured, recycled cabin air is no friend to your dermis. Use your time on board to refresh with a makeshift spa treatment to ensure you disembark looking and feeling human.

Face masks are great, as well – especially the cloth ones. Not only do they amp up the hydration, they also look hysterical, with the potential to scare that kid in 20D who's been kicking the back of your seat for the last five hours.

6. Do some exercise

Make sure you get up out of your seat to get the blood flowing. Stroll the aisles and use the time waiting for the bathroom to stretch your limbs in an improvised exercise sesh. No spandex required.

7. Write a short story

Put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard/iPad/phone/other miscellaneous digital device and get started on that story you've always wanted to write. It all starts with a person on a plane... wondering whether to order the chicken or the beef...

3. Eat all the foods

Compartmentalized treats! That little cup of orange juice that you have to peel open! Mini fruit salad! Perfect square of dessert! On-demand snacks! Anyone who says airplane food is rubbish shouldn’t be a friend of yours.

9. Play games

If playing games is a regular daily activity to you, you may not just limit yourself to the good games you already know. Instead, you can try exploring new ones. If this doesn’t sound a good idea, you can simply stick to your favorite games and have fun.

10. Buy a lounge pass for the inevitable layover

Guaranteed, you'll have more than a few hours to twiddle your thumbs at an airport on a stopover. Don't waste your cash on an exorbitantly priced meal at the food court; buy a day pass at one of the airport lounges instead. You can shower, use the Wi-Fi to check emails or Instagram and make your money back with all the free food and drinks.

With these 10 piece of advice, we hope that we've managed to get you inspired on how to make your next long-haul travel more exciting. But that's not all, we would also like you to book your next flight with Aviation Horizons so that you can get the best of both worlds: a more exciting flight and a supremely luxurious flying experience that you'll never forget.


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