10 Phrases to Know Before Visiting A Foreign Country

  • 2019-11-06
  • 3099
  • Aviation Admin
  • 0

You know it’s truly frustrating not to be able to communicate the simplest requests such as asking for directions, ordering food, or even saying “thank you”.


For this blog, we’ve made you a cheat sheet! Below are 10 common phrases you can learn in ten common languages:

1. Where is the restroom?

French: Où sont les toilettes?

Hindi: Vishraamagrh kahaan hai?

Arabic: ‘ayn al-hammam?

Japanese: O tearai wa dokodesu ka?

Chinese: Wèishēngjiān zài nǎlǐ?

Filipino: Nasaan ang banyo?

Portuguese: Onde é o banheiro?

Punjabi: Raisaṭarūma kithē hai?

Swahili: Msalani ni wapi?

Spanish: ¿Donde esta el baño?

2. Hello

French: Bonjour

Hindi: Namaskaar

Arabic: Marhabaan

Japanese: Kon’nichiwa

Chinese: Nǐ hǎo

Spanish: Hola

Swahili: Hujambo

Portuguese: Olá

Filipino: Kamusta

Punjabi: Sata srī akāla

3. Good bye

French: Au revoir!

Hindi: Alavida

Arabic: Bye or Wada’an or Salam

Japanese: Sayōnara

Chinese: Zàijiàn

Filipino: Paalam

Portuguese: Tchau

Punjabi: Alavidā

Swahili: Kwaheri

Spanish: Adiós

4. Thank you

French: Merci!

Hindi: Dhanyavaad

Arabic: Shukraan jazilaan

Japanese: Arigatōgozaimashita

Chinese: Xièxiè

Filipino: Salamat

Portuguese: Obrigado

Punjabi: Tuhāḍā dhanavāda

Swahili: Kwaheri

Spanish: Gracias

5. I would like…

French: Je voudrais

Hindi: Main pasand karoonga

Arabic: Auredu

Japanese: O onegaishimasu

Chinese: Wǒ xiǎng yào

Filipino: Gusto ko

Portuguese: eu gostaria

Punjabi: Maiṁ cāhāṅgā

Swahili: Ningependa

Spanish: Me gustaría

6. How much?

French: Combien?
Hindi: Kitana?
Arabic: kam althaman?
Japanese: Ikura?
Chinese: Duōshǎo?
Filipino: Magkano?
Portuguese: Quantos?
Punjabi: Kinē hō’ē?
Swahili: Kiasi gani?
Spanish: ¿Cuánto?

7. Help!

French: Aidez-moi!
Hindi:  madad!
Arabic: Sa’edni / Musa’ada
Japanese: Tasukete!
Chinese: Jiùmìng!
Filipino: Tulong!
Portuguese: Socorro!
Punjabi: Madada karō!
Swahili: Msaada!
Spanish: ¡Ayuda!
8. Excuse me
French: Pardon
Hindi: Maaf keejiyega
Arabic: Afwan
Japanese: Sumimasen
Chinese: Láojià
Filipino: Pakiulit
Portuguese: Desculpe
Punjabi: Mainū māfa karō
Swahili: Samahani
Spanish: Perdóneme

9. I’m sorry

French: Je suis désolé
Hindi: Mujhe maaph kar do
Arabic: ‘ana asif
Japanese: Gomen’nasai
Chinese: Duìbùqǐ
Filipino: patawad
Portuguese: Eu sinto Muito.
Punjabi: Mainū mu’āpha karō
Swahili: Samahani
Spanish: Lo siento
10. I don’t understand
French: Je ne comprends pas
Hindi: mujhe samajh nahin aa raha hai.
Arabic: ‘ana la ‘afham
Japanese: Wakaranai
Chinese: Wǒ bù míngbái
Filipino: Hindi ko maintindihan
Portuguese: Eu não entendo
Punjabi: Mainū samajha nahīṁ ā’undī            
Swahili: Sielewi
Spanish: No entiendo

Pro Tip

Make sure you have a notebook and pencil with you. If you’re trying to convey a more complicated message, you can draw a picture. Also, it’s great for haggling in local shops and markets. You avoid confusing different numbers because once you know how much something is, you can write down what you’re willing to pay for it

Final Words

Of course, depending on your destination and travel purpose, you may need to learn some other common phrases as well. You can always use an online dictionary to help you with the pronunciation as well. And don’t worry if you struggle at pronouncing a certain word, locals won’t expect you to speak their language perfectly after all.

The greatest thing of this all is that you can invest your time on a plane learning those phrases and more. This will help you pass the time wisely, especially when you’re on a long-haul flight.


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